Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Elliott and Tabita

Tabita went home on Saturday, after spending two weeks with us, helping around the house and getting some cuddle-time with Elliott.  It was so great to have her over here and it's crazy to think of how different he will be the next time she sees him.

We were hoping for a smile or something for Tabita to leave with... but nope!!

Also, Elliott is stating to look around more, be awake longer and is beginning to notice and track movements and sounds!  It's pretty fun!

Chatting with Opa and Oma!

Bonus Photo:  We were wondering why it would take Garth so long at night to come when we called him.  It wasn't until the morning that we realized there was a pile of snow allowing him to cross our fence into our neighbours!  We thought it was a snow-blower pile at first, so we dug it down, but the next day our neighbour piled it up again!  He loves Garth :D  Maybe this summer we'll have to build a ramp thing.

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