Sunday 28 October 2018


"Can I grab your turkey?"  
"Turkey" - apparently the extra folds of skin under the neck.
It's so hard to get Elliott to laugh, but sometimes it's easy!

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Elliott Learning to Climb and Such

Learning to climb up stuff!  ...and falling.

Elliott's 7 Months Old!

At 7 Months, Elliott has two teeth now!!  They are located on the bottom jaw right in the front... two crazy sharp little teeth!  Elliott has been busy flailing with joy and making silly sounds with his mouth like, "Bah bah bah bah... dah dah dah dah.." and his favourite: Fart sounds.

While it used to be easy to pose him on the chair, he's started moving a lot more, and is especially fond of grabbing the poor stuffed dog and flailing him around.

Flying Like Crazy

Coming off parental leave, Devon's been really busy with flying.  While the fall colours are spectacular, last week, he spent 20 hours teaching groundschool to all the students and staff about Winter operations.  Yuck! 

The Piper Seminole has been a welcome change from flying the Diamond.  The places he gets to go are more interesting too!  This image was taken with his latest student to pass his multi-rating: Guo Yunfeng.

Confederation Bridge, en-route to Sydney

Fall Colours around Fredericton

A Whale of a Time!

We went with Cristobal to the sleepy town of St. Andrews to see some whale action!  The whales were whaling around pretty seriously.  It was a pretty good show!

Elliott was sporting the amazing knitted pilot hat that Grandma made for him.  We had SO many compliments on it!

Cristobal, wearing an appropriately warm jacket.  While the weather was nice and sunny, that wind was cold, yo.
