Wednesday 24 April 2019

Spring Update!

It's been a while since we've updated out blog.  We've been busy!  In the time since our last update, Devon has written and passed two Airline Transport Licence exams, as well as finished a pilot proficiency check... in order to apply for his Airline Transport Licence.  Up and up! 

Elliott has been growing and discovering new things almost daily.  He knows a lot of things that we say to him, and he's starting to explore the world a lot more, playing on his own and even running.  It's a little alarming how quickly he can get away when he sees something shiny!

With the spring melt happening, we bought a rain/mud suit for Elliott.  He looks like a balloon in it, and it's absolutely adorable.  Thankfully he loves it!

We spent some time cleaning the front yard as a family.

We have green things already growing!

He just LOVES to run directly into the street.  It's pretty scary.

Down the walking path in front of our house!