Thursday, 6 September 2018

Elliott is 6 Months Old!

Our little boy is growing up!  What has he achieved in six months?  Let me list it.
-can army-crawl around the floor.
-has started eating solid foods and had his first poop with corn in it!
-can sit-up on his own and only occasionally falls over.
-has mastered the Jolly Jumper and bounces like crazy in that thing.
-can roll-over with intense force... making diaper changes interesting.
-has finally gained enough weight to have cute little rolls on his arms and legs!
-is insanely curious and tries to grab absolutely everything in front of him, and is constantly noticing and looking for the source of any noise he hears.

6 Month pictures in the usual format... but with the addition of dinosaurs with party hats!!!  Also, a bunch of extra pictures, because reasons.

Not sure why his outfit has a pocket on it.  ...not like he has anything to put in there.


  1. So cute. What a happy little guy. Getting so big.

  2. Oh my. He is so cute! I love his smiles. And look at the difference a month makes - he's sitting all on his own.

  3. He has a pocket for his baby calculator because he's making mad calculations!
