Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Elliott the Drummer

Katherine gave Elliott a small drum, and he quickly figured out that it was for.

Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival, and Elliott the Drummer

 Free music, random stages throughout the city, local artists and fresh beats.  The Fredericton Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival is an amazing event that we look forward to each year.  There's something amazing about the coolness of fall, mixing with the coolness of blues, jazz and folk music.

Elliott was wide-eyed and awake most of the evening, taking in the music and lights... and probably it's what inspired him to try drumming for himself!

Lindsay Valley Falls

Took a little walk to the Lindsay Valley Falls, on the edge of Camp Argonaut.  We now have a Chilean student living with us this fall/winter!  His name is Christobal.  We are really excited to show him different parts of our beautiful country.

Our newest member of the family: Christobal!  Standing in front of the raging fury of Lindsay Falls.

Elliott tries some apple... picked from the trees nearby during our walk.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Elliott is 6 Months Old!

Our little boy is growing up!  What has he achieved in six months?  Let me list it.
-can army-crawl around the floor.
-has started eating solid foods and had his first poop with corn in it!
-can sit-up on his own and only occasionally falls over.
-has mastered the Jolly Jumper and bounces like crazy in that thing.
-can roll-over with intense force... making diaper changes interesting.
-has finally gained enough weight to have cute little rolls on his arms and legs!
-is insanely curious and tries to grab absolutely everything in front of him, and is constantly noticing and looking for the source of any noise he hears.

6 Month pictures in the usual format... but with the addition of dinosaurs with party hats!!!  Also, a bunch of extra pictures, because reasons.

Not sure why his outfit has a pocket on it.  ...not like he has anything to put in there.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

5 Months Old! I was super bogged-down with photos from our Alberta trip, plus work-related training, plus a photo trip to Newfoundland, plus parenthood in general... so I've been a behind with my photo editing.  These images were taken on Aug 3rd, even though I'm posting them so late!