Monday, 4 June 2018

Elliott's Jolly Jumper!

We're starting to put Elliott in the Jolly Jumper.  He doesn't last all that long in it, but he has a lot of fun as long as you're there with him!

Elliott is strapped in, and just starts staring at us.  Waiting for instructions!


Garth checks out Elliott!

After getting bored, Katherine stepped-in and showed Elliott how to bounce, by holding his hands.  He loved it!

Bonus Photos:  Our dear friend Katrina and Elliott!


  1. To me he still looks too low, we used to let you guys reach first with your toes.

  2. Yeah, we did raise it up a lot more. This was his first, and our first, try at the jolly jumper. Today, he bounced in it for about 10 minutes!

  3. That's fun.... just hangin' around!
