Sunday, 26 May 2019

Hopewell and Fundy Excursion!

Auntie Marilyn, Katherine, Elliott and I jumped in the car on an early morning where the weather was FINALLY nice enough, and we headed out at low tide to see the Hopewell Rocks.  Later, Steve met us in Alma and we did a little venturing through Fundy National Park.  It wasn't raining, but it was quite windy and cool.

It might look like Elliott was having a good time, but he super wasn't.  He wanted down so he could walk, but he hated walking on the unstable, slippery, muddy ground.

There was a race going on during our visit, and we happened to run into Hasan and Hope, who were competing in the run!  #smallworld

After lunch in Alma, we went with Steve to do some walking through a few trails in Fundy National Park.

Auntie Marilyn Visits!

We had the pleasure of having Auntie Marilyn visit us for the last week!  Unfortunately, the weather most days was absolutely terrible!  Still we enjoyed a few outings and did a little exploration while she was here.  Elliott wasn't too sure about her at first, but soon warmed up to her!

We went out to the Country Pumpkin, which recently opened for the season.  Elliott almost lost his hand to a chompy goat... so thankfully there were slides and swings, which are usually less bitey.

Auntie Marilyn: "Aww Elliott!!  Do you remember me?"

Elliott Around the House

Elliott is now able to get around a lot easier than he used to.  He can climb up and down the stairs with ease, and can even climb up on our bed using the trunk next to our bed!  He has also gotten in the habit of running, which means he's capable of vacating our watch at alarming speed.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

This past week, the weather has been really, really nice.  Devon's been flying like crazy and enjoying the beautiful morning flights, making long cross-country trips to Sydney, N.S.

Lobster boats rush out of Georgetown, PEI at 6:30am.

Devon took Elliott out to the park one fine day for some play time.  It was a bit brief, as the wind was still pretty cold, but this is progress!  It's finally getting warmer.

This little goofball kept making funny faces, rolling his tongue around, haha.

He absolutely loved the slide, and kept wanting me to lift him back up it so he could slide down.  If I didn't, he'd start to climb up it.

Elliott was on a mission.  ...what that was, I have no idea, but he was serious.